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Girl Scout Programs

Briar Bush Nature Center offers opportunities for Girl Scouts to learn new skills and gain hands-on experiences in nature. Our 12.5 acres of forested trails offer an opportunity for Girl Scouts to explore, discover, and get dirty! Girl Scout Badge Programs are listed below. For more information or to schedule, please call us at (215) 887-6603.

Daisy Programs

Buddy Camper Badge

Camping is an adventure! Learn how to plan and pack for a camping trip. Help to plan and prepare a simple snack. Then, explore the trails at Briar Bush while learning how to protect nature!

Clover Petal

Why is it important to use our resources wisely? Learn how to minimize waste and practice using your resources wisely by reducing, reusing, and recycling. See how Briar Bush uses their resources wisely to care for the resident animals and the natural world around them!

Design with Nature Badge

Have you ever gone on a hike and wondered where the animals were? Have you ever wanted to go bird-watching? Join us at Briar Bush to explore life on the trails!

Eco-Learner Badge

Learn about forest habitat while exploring the trails at Briar Bush! You'll learn how to be respectful to nature and how to protect it.

Flower Garden Journey

This program is a great introduction to the natural world. Learn about the importance of plants and understand their life cycle. Go on a hike in search of plants and insects under logs. Visit the compost pile and learn how nature makes soil. Plant a seed to take home. Participate in a small service project to help the wild critters of Briar Bush. There's so much to learn and do!

Numbers in Nature Badge

Daisies explore how to measure the size and number of objects in nature found at Briar Bush. They'll create their own unit of measure for nature, too!

Outdoor Art Maker Badge

From a blue sky to a bird’s song, nature can give you lots of ideas for art! Get ready to explore the outdoors at Briar Bush and use what you see and hear to make different kinds of art projects.

Rose Petal

There are many ways we can make the world a better place for everyone - both people and animals. Let's make Briar Bush a better place for its visitors and animal residents by feeding the wild birds, picking up trash on the trails, and more!

Shapes in Nature Badge

Nature is full of beautiful things. This badge is all about looking carefully at nature. Daisies identify shapes and patterns in natural objects like rainbows, flowers, and leaves.

Space Science Explorer Badge

Take a trip to the sun, moon, and stars! Explore space through observing the sun and moon. Discover and create your own constellations!

Trail Adventure Badge

Join a Briar Bush Educator for a trail adventure! Learn how to prepare for a hike, then participate in a guided hike and hiking activities along the trails.

Brownie Programs

Bugs Badge

Insects are interesting critters that help us in many ways. Join the Briar Bush staff to learn what makes an insect an insect, explore the trails in search of bugs, and learn why these little creatures benefit us so much. 

Cabin Camper Badge

Camping is always an adventure! Learn how to plan and pack for a camping trip. Plan and prepare a snack. Learn a new camping skill like fire-building. Explore the trails while taking a hike!

Eco-Friend Badge

Explore the Briar Bush trails in search of animal homes. Learn how to protect this forest habitat for critters that inhabit it! 

Hiker Badge

Briar Bush is known for its beautiful hiking trails leading to various places of interest such as the Bird Observatory, Pond, Playscape, Outdoor Classroom, and Butterfly House. Sing hiking songs, pack fun and tasty snacks, and hunt for animal signs all while learning to become a knowledgeable Brownie hiker.

Numbers in Nature Badge

Touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing are all ways to sense or understand the world around us. Use your senses and numbers to help better understand the Briar Bush forest! 

Outdoor Adventurer Badge

Play outdoors, explore nature, learn a new skill, and care for the world around you. There are so many adventures waiting for you so hang on, jump in, and get ready to explore the great outdoors! 

Outdoor Art Creator Badge

Nature is your inspiration as you create art and music. Explore Briar Bush and become inspired by the natural world right in your own backyard! 

Pets Badge

Whether they're cute and cuddly or slimy and scaly, pets are so much fun. If you hope to have a pet someday, or have one now, use this badge to learn how to take good care of them. The Briar Bush staff takes great care of their resident animals, so come learn from the best! 

Senses Badge

Get ready to use your five senses to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the natural world around you. Go on a scavenger hunt, listen to the birds, follow your nose, discover the tiny taste buds found on your tongue, and feel the textures of nature. Use your senses to explore all that Briar Bush has to offer. 

Shapes in Nature Badge

Nature is full of colors and shapes. Imagine a leopard’s spots or a butterfly’s wings, a bee’s honeycomb or turtle’s shell. We’ll take a close look at natural objects while tracking, graphing, and collecting data. 

Space Science Adventurer Badge

Whether you’ve searched for shooting stars or found shapes in the clouds, you’ve probably already spent some time looking at the sky. Now’s your chance to explore the night sky at Briar Bush! 

STEM Career Exploration Badge

Have you ever wondered what it is like to work at Briar Bush? Learn more about the role of an environmental educator by participating in nature-based activities and asking questions! 

Trail Adventure Badge

Join a Briar Bush Educator for a trail adventure! Learn how to prepare for a hike, then participate in a guided hike and hiking activities along the trails. 

Junior Programs

Animal Habitats Badge

How are wild and domestic animals similar? How are they different? Learn more about the habitats of wild and domestic animals, discover why some animals become endangered and/or extinct, and help protect the habitats of the wild and domestic animals at Briar Bush! 

Camper Badge

What happens at Briar Bush after dark? An overnight trip in the great outdoors brings you closer to nature and allows you to explore Briar Bush after dark. Watch a sky full of stars, cook a meal over the fire, learn how to tie a knot or build a campfire, and explore the darkened area around you. Look forward to a night of discovery!

Numbers in Nature Badge

Can you tell the time using the sun? Can you predict the weather? Can you tell the age of a tree? We'll use math to explore and discover the hidden wonders of nature.

Outdoor Art Explorer Badge

Nature is your inspiration as you create art and music. Explore Briar Bush and become inspired by the natural world right in your own backyard!

STEM Career Exploration Badge

Have you ever wondered what it is like to work at Briar Bush? Learn more about the role of an environmental educator by participating in nature-based activities and asking questions! 

Cadette Programs

Night Owl Badge

Interesting things happen at Briar Bush after dark. Animals that are hardly ever seen during the day make their presence known at night. Explore what a night at Briar Bush has to offer by learning about our resident nocturnal animals, exploring and using your five senses on a night hike, examining the night sky, and so much more!

STEM Career Exploration Badge

Have you ever wondered what it is like to work at Briar Bush? Learn more about the role of an environmental educator by participating in nature-based activities and asking questions! 

Trees Badge

Our forest is full of trees! Grab your naturalist hat and get ready to get to know the trees at Briar Bush and in your own backyard! Learn more about the science behind trees, explore the connection between trees and people, get crafty, and help the trees thrive.

Looking for more?

© Copyright Briar Bush Nature Center, 2024 | 1212 Edge Hill Road, Abington, PA 19001 | (215) 887-6603

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